

The MCA relies on volunteers. From our 100% volunteer board to committees of volunteers in our community, we need you to care for and protect Minnesota climbing. If you’re interested in volunteering with us, please click here (coming soon) to join our volunteer team.


Adopt-a-Crag Events

An Adopt-a-Crag is an opportunity to work with land managers to show our love, as the climbing community, for our favorite climbing areas around the region. It lets land managers know that climbers are great stewards of the land and a welcome user group to their parks. It's a great way to give back, meet new climbers, and generally have a fun day outside with friends old and new. These crag cleanups can involve trash pickup, trail work, graffiti removal, brush removal/trimming, and more. It’s a great way to give back, meet new climbers and generally have a fun day outside with friends old, and new.

Dress for and come prepared for a day outside doing light work removing brush and cleaning up any errant trash. Weather allowing, after our cleanup is done, we’ll climb—make sure to bring your gear! 

Sandstone Rock & Ice Climbing Festivals

Every year, the MCA hosts a fall and a winter climbing festivals to celebrate year-round Minnesota climbing and our wonderful climbing community. Volunteer opportunities include selling raffle tickets and staffing our merch table, managing waivers and rental gear, and cleaning up after the festival. Come be a part of two of our most fun events of the year!

Community Tabling Events

We’re lucky enough to get invited to many of Minnesota’s climbing and outdoor adventure-centered events, and we love having volunteers at our table! Come help us talk about the MCA, recruit more volunteers and new members, promote our annual festivals and Adopt-a-Crags, sell merch, and educate event attendees about Minnesota climbing.